Massage & Therapy
Massage/ therapy services are provided in the Massage Room off the car park or on the Squash Court balcony. Two new Massage Rooms will open upon completion of Phase 2 of the Poolside Redevelopment Project at the end of 2021.
Traditional Thai Massage: Khun Champhen and Khun Saiphon: Thai: Thai massage helps busy people relax, relieves muscle and joint pain, and can also boost a person’s mood. Khun Champen is totally blind and Khun Saiphon is partially blind and both have worked at the British Club for over 30 years. People without the sense of sight have heightened perception in their other senses and they are both true experts in their craft. Over the years they have helped British Club Members with every sports injury imaginable including elbows, knees, shoulders, backs, the lot. Even if there are no physical problems, (yet) the benefits of Thai massage are many and a regular weekly massage is a wonderful way to avoid future injuries! Khun Champhen and Khun Saiphon are both also actively involved with the Blind Massage School in Bangkok and contribute to regular seminars for continued professional development.

Sports Therapy Massage: Thai. Khun Nanang Tuti has worked as a sports injury therapist for 6 years and has a Massage Certificate from Ministry of Health and Certification from the Traditional Medical Association of Thailand. Khun Nanang was introduced the British Club by Scorpion International Tennis Asia who recommended her as ‘World Class’. She works with all kinds of sports injuries and chronic injuries, releasing tension and relieving pain.
10am-6pm daily

Traditional Thai Massage: Chanpen Pronthong
Age : 60 years old
Date of birth: 20th November 1961
Education : 1986 Center of the Development of the Blind Pakgred Foundation for the Blind of Thailand
Experience : 2016 Thai Traditional Medicine Assistant 1 year
At the present : worked at the British Club for 33 years since 2nd August 1988

Traditional Thai Massage: Name : Saifon Wongchak
Age : 54 years old
Date of birth : 16th May 1967
Education : 1977 Vocational training center for blind women of Sampran Nakornprathom
Experience : 1984 Institute for the Promotion of the blind at Thanonchan Road Saphan 5
At the present : worked at the British Club for 24 years since 1997
Contact the Sports Desk at for charges and bookings.